Well, those doubts have been assuaged too; Streep is splendid, giving a detailed, authoritative performance that goes way beyond accurate impersonation to evoke Thatcher's spirit.
In "Born To Be Riled", her friends become annoyed with her accurate but unflattering impersonations of them and they retaliate by impersonating her in turn.
Mr. Katz had heard rumors, however, that Anthony Hopkins had often startled Olivier by sneaking up behind him, then doing an eerily accurate impersonation.
Lady-in-waiting Viola loses favour through an accurate but ill-advised impersonation of Mary Queen of Scots.
With his kitschy persona and stage act - highlighted by his amazingly accurate impersonation of a train whistle - Willie played in...
This paper's critic, David Gritten called her "splendid, giving a detailed, authoritative performance that goes way beyond accurate impersonation to evoke Thatcher's spirit".
During Reagan's term in office, Carson developed an accurate impersonation of the president that was featured regularly in Mighty Carson Art Players skits.
He wrote: "Streep is splendid, giving a detailed, authoritative performance that goes way beyond accurate impersonation to evoke Thatcher's spirit.
The most accurate impersonation, Donny Ray Evins's Nat King Cole, is spoiled by some vocal grandstanding.
He remembered that John Goodman was the host because he did a brutally accurate impersonation of the woman who had sold out the former president's mistress to the independent counsel.