Some tourists mistakenly think the store sells antiques, but all of the products sold are new, historically accurate replicas.
The "Yellow Bird" is a more accurate replica of the Model B than either 001 or 002.
Quite correct: she's an accurate replica, based on the Reverend's photos.
Besides, this handsome Kippie was a distressingly accurate replica of her own Rex when she had first married him.
It was an absolutely accurate replica, in wood, of the ships that had been destroyed.
Nonetheless, most people in most societies do grow up as fairly accurate replicas of the previous generation.
Adam Savage, co-host of Mythbusters, has gone to great lengths to create an accurate replica.
Over the years, Polaroid worked with computers to produce accurate replicas.
The archaeologists were very keen on having an accurate replica, as the finished ship would provide invaluable information about the Viking ships in general.
These and other questions shaped the work of decoy makers, who lured their prey with accurate replicas.