In one session, she accurately foresaw outbreak of the war, also talked about Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union.
"Even many Iraqis didn't accurately foresee the situation, that in an Iraq so highly polarized, religious leaders would become the rallying points."
But Karpov accurately foresaw that he had the time to retreat with 14 . . . Be7.
"You foresaw accurately," Uga said, back at their homecamp.
Moreover, it was one of the stories in which I foresaw accurately a social implication of technological advance rather than the technological advance itself.
Adults who have difficulty waiting for things they want may not be able to accurately foresee the consequences of their actions.
Some critics accurately foresaw the film's lasting appeal.
I am accepting, for the sake of argument, the Sierra Club's presumption that it can accurately foresee what our descendants will value.
These leaders of capitalism accurately foresaw that the people of Europe, embittered and sickened by fascism, would, in reaction, turn to the left.
Accurately foreseeing the shape of the next years from family gatherings to Riall'im, Daniv protested, "I'm only sixteen!