It's beautifully written and expertly constructed, as you might expect, and although it doesn't contain any new revelations, it does accurately summarise News International's thinking on how best to close down the affair.
The front-page headline, "McCain Is Strong in New England," accurately summarized the report.
A few minutes ago, Murdoch Ross accurately summarized the seriousness of the present situation.
The headnote accurately summarises the effect of the speeches in the House of Lords.
Joseph Califano's article summarized accurately the health-care dilemma.
Three scientists involved in climate research believe that the IPCC reports do not accurately summarize the state of knowledge.
But he did accurately summarize what this personal confrontation and, by extension, the series come down to.
However, if the reader will trust me, I am certain that I can accurately summarize the message.
This article accurately summarises my feelings about Michael Jackson.
- accurately summarized the author's intent behind the book.