My cycle is quite regular and has been accurately timed.
Each team's captain can also use "Super Strikes" that, if timed accurately, will result in two points scored for the striker's team.
Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
Exposures needed to be accurately timed, for which purpose a pendulum beating half seconds was used.
And how accurately timed!
In athletics, races have to be timed accurately to hundredths (or even thousandths) of a second.
Twelve accurately timed bursts fired at the two targets located several levels below her position, effectively knocking out the Hrono power grid in one fell swoop.
The plan was boldly imaginative and, from Montgomery's viewpoint, accurately timed.
Whether or not it was an accurately timed count, the feat had earned Ben Wolfson, 21, the nickname Fish.
The arrival was timed accurately and Tom's every move was covered precisely according to plan.