That was the normal language of horses, who could indulge in quite elaborate series of posturings to make themselves accurately understood.
Judas is the only one of Jesus's disciples who accurately understands the words of his master.
Touching upon a problem that has aggravated relations with Asian neighbors this year, Emperor Akihito stressed the importance of accurately understanding Japan's wartime legacy in a news conference to mark his 72nd birthday.
According to Stevens, sensationalism brought the news to a new audience when it became aimed at the lower class, who had less of a need to accurately understand politics and the economy.
He accurately understood that Karl Muck was at once a world-class orchestra leader and a confirmed traditionalist.
Accurately understanding both beliefs is problematic as sources rely largely on the records made by the Inquistors written from the perspective of medieaval Christianity.
But that doesn't mean Edwards's theory is wrong, or that Democratic primary voters accurately understand their plight.
Individuals are able to expand their own worldviews to accurately understand other cultures and behave in a variety of culturally appropriate ways.
Poisoning, psittacosis, and acclimatized were also called miasma in ancient China because they did not accurately understand the cause of the disease.
First of all, we need a clear definition to accurately understand the profiles and definitions of these highly diverse entities.