These accusations of corruption soon began to emerge, as Bakiyev did not prove to be much different from his predecessor.
The public debate was well under way before the revelations and accusations of bad faith on the part of the government began leaking out.
The accusation began at the time he was governor and intensified during his presidency.
Disillusionment with the government developed, and accusations of corruption began to surface.
In the following two years, accusations of White Hat bullying incidents in the black community began to increase.
My mother's accusations began throbbing in some deep part of my psyche.
The scandal has haunted the Navy ever since the first accusations of sexual abuse began to surface in 1991.
The accusation, however, had begun to drive the campaign, as Governor Clinton was questioned about the reports at every rally, speech and news conference.
Soon after the congress, accusations that Rayamajhi had secret links to the royal palace began to surface within the party.
In 1608, rumors and accusations about sorcery begun to spread in the city.