The reader is perhaps aware of Arab custom and ethic in this regard, and can appreciate the Muslims' anxiety over such false accusations directed against their women's honor.
He was received by Uville with honour initially but relations soon broke down and Trevithick left in disgust at the accusations directed at him.
At the news conference, Mr. Heckert said he was "fed up" with accusations directed at the company.
An accusation directed against Jasper, Humphrey's own brother, might well have aroused the man's momentary indignation.
In later years controversy surrounding this game would develop into a match-fixing scandal, with accusations directed towards Leeds United captain Billy Bremner.
Many of the specific accusations directed against him were based on insubstantial or ambiguous evidence.
Some mention was made of the concept during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign in accusations directed towards President Barack Obama.
Enwood's words carried accusation, directed at Horace Trelger.
This has led to accusations, both formal and informal, directed towards the film's proponents, of spamming online message boards and forums with many thinly veiled promotional posts.
Eye-witnesses in Moldovan media testified and produced similar accusation directed at the other side.