During a speech in 2007, Salah accused Jews of using children's blood to bake bread.
It was forbidden to accuse Jews of using Christian blood without due proof and witness, to take them prisoner, to torture or to execute them.
Hilaly has not since apologised nor retracted his comments, in which he accused Jews of "causing all wars."
The second was the 'blood libel', which accused Jews of drinking the blood of Christians during rituals.
Some Jews even accuse other Jews of feeding the current pogrom rumors to justify the exodus.
Cokely had accused Jews of "engaging in an international conspiracy for world control".
Kharatyan also accused local Jews of calling for "anti-Christian actions."
The medals, which date from the 17th century, are also inscribed with texts accusing Jews of evil deeds.
The draft encyclical continues by accusing Jews of blind materialism.
Her response to Gaza is to accuse Jews of having undergone a pathological transformation from victims to oppressors.