DR Congo accuses Uganda of maintaining its influence in the mineral-rich east of the country.
The next year the Sudanese Government accused Uganda of attacking the areas of Pajok and Teit.
Mr. Burns did not directly accuse Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi of intervening, but said the United States had delivered its warnings against intervention to them.
The Sudanese government accused Uganda and Eritrea of supporting the SPLA/M.
In addition to Rwanda, the Kabila Government has accused Uganda of sending troops and tanks into northeastern Congo in support of the rebels.
The report accused Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe of systematically exploiting Congolese resources and recommended the Security Council impose sanctions.
All four accuse Uganda and Rwanda of invading another sovereign nation.
This month the ruling party's organ absurdly accused Uganda of planning an invasion, inciting a ritual round of denunciation from party leaders.
In recent months, Kenya has accused Uganda of backing rebel movements and hiring African mercenaries for an invasion.
Kenya and Zaire have each accused Uganda of trying to destabilize the entire region.