The Georgian side accused Russian investigators in the lack of cooperation with the investigation.
Mr. Iftikhar's lawyer, Muhammad Ilyas Khan, said his client was innocent and accused investigators of planting evidence in his office.
He accused investigators of lying and framing him - the same things Mr. Tankleff accused him of doing.
His lawyers immediately accused investigators of keeping him from conferring with counsel, possibly to lay the groundwork for a claim that his constitutional rights were violated.
Critics had accused investigators of singling out Dr. Lee because of his Chinese ancestry.
He has filed a civil suit against Mr. Spota and his office, and has accused investigators of trying to intimidate him into providing false testimony about another defendant.
Kanchan Gupta and Swapan Dasgupta, have accused investigators of leaking statements about saffron terror to the media to promote the agenda of the Congress.
In the months since, the Brawley lawyers have publicly accused several whites in the case and have accused local, state and Federal investigators of a cover-up.
Tsakiris had "repeatedly accused skeptical investigators of purposely choosing the weakest cases".
Mullah Omar himself accused American investigators of focusing on Mr. bin Laden, the Saudi multimillionaire who is his close personal friend, "without any proof."