He accused liberals of using the federal government to interfere in "everybody's private business" and as a conservative believed in "freedom for business and labor".
He accuses modern liberals of making an end-run around democracy by seeking political victories in front of judges instead of at the ballot box.
Conservatives accuse liberals of twisting the reforms to justify an anything-goes attitude toward church teachings.
Nobody will accuse liberals of having led the political debate during the past decade or so.
These accuse liberals of being guilty of everything from treason to environmental zealotry (which has, among other things, ruined the flush toilet).
We've grown accustomed to this sort of slur - and they accuse liberals of lacking civility?
Ailes accusing liberals of being a propaganda machine?
Will Republicans ever tire of accusing liberals of being un-American?
Today's conservatives wield reverse snobbery as a weapon, accusing liberals of sins like living on the East or West Coast.
Republican mailings have accused liberals of wanting to ban the Bible.