In recent days, more and more Arabic newspapers have run headlines bluntly accusing soldiers of deliberately killing civilians.
When the real owners return, squatters often falsely accuse them of complicity in the genocide, and soldiers arrest them.
He accused Israeli soldiers of "beatings to maim" young demonstrators and said such acts were "totally unacceptable and in many cases illegal under international law."
He is now in his fourth year of prison after accusing soldiers of involvement in killings, torture and drug deals.
Government opponents also accused Venezuelan soldiers of harassing some would-be petition signers.
The Russian-staffed checkpoints are a sore point with Chechens, who accuse soldiers of extorting money for permission to travel freely.
Last year, he accused soldiers of trying to mutiny.
Some detainees have accused soldiers of hitting them just once, but in one instance a former prisoner said he was beaten throughout the night.
Accounts accuse Japanese soldiers of practicing the torture technique during World War II.
While the Chinese government chose to prosecute the top Japanese leadership, it repatriated accused lower-ranking soldiers to Japan.