The office was set up after the United States and other countries accused the United Nations of indifference to waste and fraud.
Simmons also accused the United Nations of being "the most pathetic body on the face of the earth."
Americans of Baltic origin have accused the United Nations of ceding to political pressure from Moscow.
General Mladic accused the United Nations of failing to demilitarize the so-called safe area of Srebrenica.
Instead, he accused the United Nations of creating a pretext for "a new military aggression against Iraq" and appealed to the Council to prevent any such attack.
General Aidid accused the United Nations of provoking the attack.
On Sunday Somalia accused the United Nations of putting 400,000 refugees in danger of starvation by ending emergency food supplies.
The panel will meet Government officials and genocide survivors, who accuse other African countries and the United Nations of not doing enough to prevent the killings.
He has accused the United Nations of a surreptitious mission to impose acceptance of homosexuality on sovereign countries.
She accuses the United Nations of serving Israel by keeping the refugees in the camps, blunting their demands to return.