Oracle has sued Google directly, accusing it of patent infringement through Android.
The indictment also accused officers of attempting to conceal their actions, through actions such as torching Glover's corpse.
The state's two murder charges accused the teen-agers of intentional murder and murder through abuse or neglect.
He further accused Voiculescu of trying to control, through the media, the politics of the country.
RJP accused the King of eliminating the forces working for constitutional monarchy, through his political actions.
She also accused Republicans of "poisoning" the Nolichucky River through lax environmental regulations.
A Federal district judge accused the Defense Department last year of "flirting with contempt of court" through its resistance to the law.
The Government accused Mr. Dyer of running his office as a racketeering enterprise from 1982 through 1987.
Under the law, protection from prosecution was granted to anyone, including the military and leftist guerrillas, accused of rights abuses from 1973 through 1978.
And he accused the agency of "turning jobs into endangered species," especially in the coal industry, through its efforts to limit particulates in the air.