"Somewhere in the 1 to 5 or 6 percent range would be a very achievable objective for us," he added.
Set an achievable objective, such as 1 to 2 pounds a week; by the end of the year, you will have lost the 40 pounds.
The benefit of forming a global coalition means the industry can focus on one major, common and achievable objective at a time.
It is once again a matter of setting the patient an achievable and sustainable objective.
But Washington seems prepared to block any intervention until a clear and achievable military objective has been spelled out.
To justify the amendment, the report also points to the situation of candidate countries, for which the minimum duty level should be an achievable objective.
However, its success will depend largely on achievable objectives being set.
We need to define clearer allocation criteria and set achievable objectives.
To my mind, the European Union should focus more precisely on some achievable objectives where it has leverage.
It is the duty of our leaders to bring these realistic and achievable objectives to fruition as quickly as possible.