"It's feeding on itself; $70 looks like an achievable target without too much difficulty."
It attempted to turn broad ideals into achievable targets (with associated tickboxes).
Europe is expected to get 1200 cars a month, which seems an achievable target if the expected £15,000 price is right for the V6.
He also wanted to reach the Bundesliga with the club and believed it would be an achievable target before his contract expired.
This year, however, after a winter riding moto-cross and with a more achievable target, I cannot wait to get going.
"A demonstration should have an immediately achievable target," as Rustin put it.
This will consist of an achievable target and a programme of recruitment events.
A realistic plan sets achievable targets against which progress can be monitored.
It is very important to set ambitious but achievable targets for the new Member States as well.
It also includes precise deadlines for the implementation of individual projects, together with measurable and achievable targets.