Intermediate scope is taking refuge to achieve liberation or Nirvana.
The term for anybody who has achieved nirvana, including the Buddha, is arahant.
This is similar in some ways to the concept of achieving Nirvana within Buddhism.
Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.
Every Jain believes that a visit to this group of temples is essential once in a life time to achieve nirvana or salvation.
At this level, a bodhisattva has achieved nirvana.
This cycle can be broken after a soul achieves Moksha or Nirvana.
Chiriko feels that he is irreplaceable to her, thus she aids the effort to have Meiko achieve nirvana.
We may not have achieved ethnic nirvana, but for whatever reasons (there are many) New Yorkers have gotten better at getting along.
It is every Buddhist's goal to achieve Nirvana.