"These third-quarter results were achieved due to record revenue on a worldwide basis from both the retail sales channel and original-equipment manufacturer operations," said Jon Shirley, Microsoft's president and chief operating officer.
Good sensitivity can be achieved due to signal enhancement provided by the microwave resonance in the DRA and optical resonance in the EO resonator.
Progress beyond this level was not achieved due to lack of attendance by Scottish selectors and so, on one occasion, the seven Leith Accies called off from a representative game and played for the club.
What was ur point of making this comment, let me guess a well-articulated comment against Somaliland unfortunately that could not be achieved due to lack of confidence, poor writing and most importantly not mature enough mentally.
"These second-quarter results were achieved due to record revenue on a worldwide basis," said Jon Shirley, president and chief operating officer, in a prepared statement.