Several have achieved eminence on their own merit apart from this organization.
But once choreographers achieve eminence, certain old aesthetic controversies may lose their steam.
Brunlees had already completed a similar project and went on to achieve great eminence.
Highly esteemed by men and women of the legal community, he achieved national eminence in his profession.
His students achieved eminence in professional or public lives.
Miss Frederick achieved eminence when her field was virtually closed to women.
Nicholas Roerich achieved international eminence not only for his arts, but also as a scientist, author, philosopher and educator.
The list of blacks who achieve eminence by serving as racial apologists is already too long.
Wright achieved eminence by invading the traditionally female realm of the home.
Unusually for a man who achieved such eminence in the game, he never played cricket at first-class level.