The course is very much geared towards teaching an individual how to achieve personal lifelong fitness.
If it doesn't achieve total fitness, make sure you use my exercise programme at least three times a week.
Members believe, for instance, that Super Slow is the best - and only - way to achieve fitness.
A primary reason to exercise, of course, is to achieve cardiovascular fitness.
But is sports a key way we think girls can achieve this healthy spirit and fitness in mind and body?
Exercises for women to achieve good health and fitness.
Aerobic exercise has long been a popular approach to achieving weight loss and physical fitness, often taking a commercial form.
A prescription for women to achieve physical and psychological health and fitness.
Women experiencing their menopausal period should engage in regular exercise to achieve better physical fitness.
The current recommendation to achieve balanced fitness calls for aerobic workouts four times a week with strength training on the remaining three days.