But with stealth literally everything was being compromised in varying degrees to achieve invisibility, or in the jargon of the trade, survivability.
They also claimed to teach a masonic method of achieving invisibility.
In science fiction cloaking, there is generally presented an assumed quasi-scientific, in-universe basis for the concept of achieving invisibility.
Her eyes were on the sidewalk - the famous seem to think they achieve invisibility by making others invisible to themselves - and her mink coat brushed her ankles.
You only achieve invisibility if the woman who donated the body part is still quite alive and active.
We achieved invisibility.
We did not achieve invisibility but went far too far in the opposite direction.
Scientists have achieved invisibility in the visible light range of the spectrum.
"You have certainly achieved invisibility," I said, "or are you hatched invisible from invisible eggs?"
Weird Science: Shows how we have come close to defying gravity, and achieving invisibility and perpetual energy.