Cut down in eager youth, their bright magic lost before they could quite achieve mastery.
But a certain-balance-is necessary to truly achieve mastery of any art.
There is a growing contempt for the hard work of achieving mastery.
He achieved mastery over the Sanskrit language in just seven years.
So when he thought he'd achieved mastery, what else but to try it?
After the player has achieved mastery over the game, they can up the difficulty setting and be further challenged.
The existence of chess databases is one way that young players can achieve mastery at an early age.
If you wish to achieve true mastery of your body, it is still best to do so through normal means.
She achieved early mastery of the computer as a tool to help her index the collection given to the medical center.
It is only through time that they can achieve mastery at work, deepen relationships with friends, build families of their own.