The show achieved its peak ratings-about 75,000 regular listeners-in 1985 when he decided to leave and write books instead.
The genre achieved its peak of popularity in the decade of the 1870s.
The company achieved its peak in the late 1980s.
The song achieved its highest national peak in Slovakia, where it reached number one.
Jenise was still calling out her satisfaction as he achieved his own peak, a fast, powerful release.
After weeks of fluctuating, the song achieved its peak of number 46 during the 2nd week of 2013.
After two weeks of fluctuating on the chart, it achieved its peak of number 26.
These sorts of headache bands probably achieved their peak of popularity in the 1920s.
During this period, the University of Göttingen achieved its academic peak.
Formed by a confederation of barangays, it is said to have achieved its peak in 1175.