They do also help to achieve and sustain rapport and stimulate the respondent's thinking.
Achieve rapport with the subject by any appropriate means.
Say we pull it off-come this August, we all achieve telepathic rapport again.
Back at Pacific Bell, he learned a management technique called Mirroring and Echoing: parroting the body language and speech patterns of "hostile stakeholders" to instantly achieve rapport.
That glade coincides with Mach's room in the dome; that be why I was able to locate him there, and finally to achieve rapport with him.
Basically you have to achieve rapport with the people you're performing for.
After achieving rapport with them individually, he would be ready to link them into a single unity, one which he could mold and direct as he wished.
That is why it was necessary for me to achieve rapport with you before getting out of range of Colene's mind.
First, as you must have guessed, we achieved rapport with the aliens.
Now, there was a human who occasionally achieved analytic rapport with sentients capable of higher logic.