In the end he achieves redemption through the love of a good woman.
Can a man who has led a bad life achieve redemption through his child?
Should one sacrifice the present in the hope of achieving redemption in the future?
The Knicks had been brilliant and then horrible, but Strickland had given them five minutes of overtime to achieve redemption.
First up, Paul Menard, who was one of many drivers to achieve redemption this year by bringing home an improbable victory:
To achieve ultimate redemption he taught the "Swaminarayan" mahamantra.
Larry gets under the skins of four ordinary people trying to achieve grace and redemption during one summer of infidelity.
Sin and shamelessness were the only ways to achieve redemption and to find God.
Memory had become a moral category: one remembers one's misdeeds, atones, and achieves redemption.
Some will not allow that there might be multiple means to achieve spiritual redemption.