Honoré Balzac was born into a family which had struggled nobly to achieve respectability.
Though the golden age had long since passed, the 1950s saw flamenco achieving increased respectability in Spain.
Now, just turned 40, he's seeking to achieve artistic respectability, even dignity, in the process becoming the unlikely figurehead of a trend.
I guess the officer corps is a quick way to achieve genteel respectability.
A spirited biography of a radical and feminist organizer who achieved respectability in her lifetime.
Disrespect for law and authority had reached such a level of acceptance, he added, that "its natural concomitant, resort to violence, has almost achieved respectability."
Sonofusion has already achieved more scientific respectability than cold fusion ever did, with two articles published in major journals.
Such is the price a silversmith's son may have had to pay to achieve respectability in a Victorian village community.
Suddenly rock had achieved artistic respectability, and everyone began scrambling madly for a piece of the glory.
Some such movements inevitably achieved respectability and became part of Mexico's official culture themselves.