Such systems give the consumer a free choice amongst competing insurers whilst achieving universality to a government directed minimum standard.
It is said that the greatest works of art achieve universality through a paradoxical specificity - that Hamlet becomes more Everyman the more he is made the Prince of Denmark.
However, achieving such universality of measurement is going to take considerable effort in the IT industry (see, for example, Val IT).
AN original musician who achieved universality.
"But what was extraordinary is, he was able to achieve universality," he added.
Instead, Laclau argues that Leftists have to include this certain failure to achieve universality in their strategies - hence the title of his most successful book (co-written with Chantal Mouffe) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985).
But if "Emma Bovary, c'est moi" originated as his sentiment, it has long since achieved bumper-sticker universality.
The lingua franca of commercial America has done what Esperanto could not: achieve universality.
"His major achievement was to plait the many threads of American music into a central style of universal appeal. . . . To achieve universality, he had to dilute individuality."