A tariff restructuring with the objective of achieving financial viability of the EPS was carried out in parallel.
Early SLA systems were complex and costly, however, and required extensive redesign before achieving commercial viability.
The VideoBrain largely failed to achieve commercial viability for a number of reasons.
Does the reporter suggest that race should be a factor in making program cuts to achieve fiscal viability?
The wind industry is probably closest to achieving economic viability without any support" from the federal government.
London buses will also be expected to achieve commercial viability, except for some outlying services.
Disestablished in 1995 after failing to achieve financial viability.
Integrated coastal management schemes, combining physical, biological and human factors into a single management framework, are another component in achieving viability.
The CEBs can support individuals, firms and community groups provided that the proposed projects have the capacity to achieve commercial viability.
A minimum threshold of 15 percent was required in each precinct in order to achieve viability.