Equally, however, some changes of a major character may be achieved more or less peacefully.
Thus the Treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt ended the war and "achieved little more than...diplomacy might have peacefully achieved in 1701."
We went in to stop the intolerable business of military force being used to gain ends that might be achieved peacefully by a league of all interested parties.
Sukarno urged acceptance over the radio, arguing, 'If ideals can be achieved peacefully why should we fight?'
However, he considered that Latin American integration should be achieved peacefully among equals, and not as the result of a conquest campaign.
Tunisia has set an example of what can be achieved peacefully.
He said he wished the changes he sought for South Africa could be achieved peacefully.
"More than 90 percent of my settlements are achieved peacefully," he said, as he sat in a tiny air-conditioned office at the back of his home.
He said changes in the rights of Cubans could only be achieved peacefully.
The Captain of Charleston, Henry Glass, had been ordered to take the surrender of Guam, which was achieved peacefully in late May.