Have there been modest achievement gains to show for it?
Over 30 years, modest new spending for regular education has apparently resulted in modest achievement gains.
In those schools, many of which have posted achievement gains, the time is divided evenly between small-group tutoring and teacher training.
These schools have shown strong achievement gains using Direct Instruction (Rebar, 2007).
In district-sponsored programs where the Adventure includes a pre-and-post assessment, achievement gains of near 50% have been recorded.
With the easy achievement gains already behind us, the next level of progress will require rigorous systemic change.
After a 1969 Head Start evaluation seemed to show that achievement gains quickly "faded out," the program emphasized social skills rather than academics.
In contrast, district-managed schools given additional resources and a "restructuring" intervention showed larger achievement gains in mathematics.
Meta-analyses (that is, studies of the studies) have found some evidence of overall achievement gains through grouping.
The increased attention by students sometimes results in increased effort or persistence, which yields achievement gains.