He argues that the statistically lower achievements of some female and minority math students have resulted in an overreaction that doesn't serve their interests.
These achievements resulted in a 13-place rise in the FIFA rankings, the most significant advancement in the history of the country.
Newcombe's achievements and valour resulted in his receiving promotion to post-captain after the battle.
These achievements have resulted in the school being awarded the Sustained Achievement Award as well.
The achievement at Roswell Park resulted from an effort of 16 years.
Dr. Redington's achievements resulted in 26 American patents.
The achievements and scientific advances of mankind over the last few centuries have resulted in the creation of a new planetary system: the world economy.
Blanda's achievements resulted in his winning the Bert Bell Award.
Successful achievement on the culminating exams may result in credit or advanced placement upon matriculation to college.
It should be noted that this achievement resulted from a lawsuit (thanks to New York's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer) and not voluntary action taken by companies.