The antibiotic aids in destroying the bacteria, and the acid blocker or proton pump inhibitor relieves pain and nausea, heals inflammation, and may increase the antibiotic's effectiveness.
If H2 blockers do not help relieve the symptoms, the doctor may recommend using a proton pump inhibitor (acid blocker) instead.
Over-the-counter antacids and acid blockers may relieve some or all of the pain, but the relief is always short-lived.
People with chronic acid reflux who take certain acid blockers may end up with too little stomach acid.
Antacids or other nonprescription medications (such as acid reducers or acid blockers) may relieve heartburn.
While GERD associated with GSE can be treated with acid blockers, it is most effectively treated with proper eating habits and elimination diet.
If you have an ulcer or have signs of acid reflux, nonprescription antacids, acid blockers like Zantac, or proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec or Nexium can help.
Vimovo is a combination of naproxen and the acid blocker Nexium.
Before taking ranitidine, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to other acid blockers (e.g., cimetidine, famotidine); or if you have any other allergies.
This medication and similar acid blockers (e.g., cimetidine, famotidine) are available both over-the-counter and by prescription.