"My poor, old man," David said, with acid sarcasm.
Even the shiplords of his aggressive faction stirred restlessly at that; such acid sarcasm was rare among the Race.
Across the room, Kubus Oak shot Coldri and his men a hard look, his words thick with acid sarcasm.
Kyle Haven's posture suggested pain and despair, but there was only acid sarcasm in his greeting.
He was a featherweight, pinchfaced man, all birdlike bones and acid sarcasm.
With acid sarcasm, I said, "Well, I hope it tested all right."
If he'd poured any more acid sarcasm on the word, it would probably have disintegrated.
It's safer to stick with acid sarcasm, spiced by bursts of cynical diatribe.
Jaro never bothered to acknowledge Kalem's acid sarcasm anymore.
A spirit of we're-all-in-this-together can rapidly deteriorate to acid sarcasm.