Mr. Fowler acknowledged making calls on behalf of the tribes who opposed the project but said he had not influenced the final decision.
Many lawyers acknowledge making a lucrative income from such suits because the Government always ends up paying.
At a well-attended seminar in Beijing earlier this year, he acknowledged making an exception.
The report from the inquiry states "In some instances, we found no witness who acknowledged making or hearing the comments as reported.
Mr. Thompson acknowledged making the offer, but said it was only to recoup legal expenses.
In a statement 10 days ago, he denied breaking any laws, but he acknowledged making some mistakes.
For all his success, Mr. Wilson acknowledged making a mistake or two.
The university has never officially acknowledged making a $1 million offer, but board members have confirmed the proposal.
While at the time, Pinnacle did not admit making any errors, the company recently acknowledged making a mistake.
She acknowledges making the comment, but said it was taken out of context.