Today that is an acknowledged fact.
Both are devoted to pointing up the acknowledged fact that the Communists had ruled behind a dense, constantly renewed curtain of historical lies.
My American guidebook to Italy, however, presents this story as acknowledged fact.
"It's an acknowledged fact among the Jevlenese, occurring as far back as records go," Garuth said.
The rumors that the mine was going to be reopened were just beginning to solidify into acknowledged fact.
This theory is now treated as acknowledged fact.
That rap is snapping away at the threads that bind the hypocrisy of society is now an acknowledged fact.
It is a generally acknowledged fact in spiritual development that ego reduction makes the influx of God's grace possible.
It is an acknowledged fact that using pesticides poses a threat to both human health and the environment.
Mr President, it is an acknowledged fact that external costs are increasing dramatically in the transport sector.