The neurons vary systematically across the maps, which are organized by acoustic features of the sound and can be two dimensional.
Speaker recognition has a history dating back some four decades and uses the acoustic features of speech that have been found to differ between individuals.
Nothing about their acoustic features can reassure listeners that they are genuine and not fakes.
A 2007 case study by Van Borsel et al. examined the acoustic features in palilalia.
The data is coded at levels all the way from acoustic features to the intentions of the participants.
It is now accepted that the right hemisphere plays an important role in the processing of suprasegmental acoustic features like prosody.
This change includes not only loudness but also other acoustic features such as pitch, rate, and duration of sound syllables.
The variation in these acoustic features across space and time generate unique soundscapes.
Several companies have created technology to use the acoustic features of cell phones to support mobile payments and other applications that are not chip-based.
Some of those vocalizations and acoustic features may support individuality.