Several acoustic frequencies are often used simultaneously, allowing some discrimination of different types of animals.
These stars eject matter into "empty" space, some at acoustic frequencies.
Such adjustment can be done by adaptive optics, which is effective for suppression of phase noise at acoustic frequencies.
The principle behind the operation of acousto-optic filters is based on the wavelength of the diffracted light being dependent on the acoustic frequency.
Subwoofers are loudspeakers designed to respond to only the lowest acoustic frequencies.
An acoustic frequency of 1.9 kHz seems to mark the threshold between the two sensations, with crunchiness at frequencies below, and crispness at frequencies above.
Shorter pulses produce a wider range of acoustic frequencies.
Uses sound pulses with acoustic frequencies of sixty thousand to eighty thousand Hertz or cycles per second.
The acoustic frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low (infrasonic) to extremely high (ultrasonic).
PCSC-Lock-in Tool for data acquisition on acoustic chopping frequency using a computer sound card.