For a producer to put on a Broadway production, he or she must acquire an option, which involves paying a fee.
Yesterday, it acquired an option to buy up to 49.9 percent of the Arena Football League within the next three years.
During construction of the MGM Grand, the company acquired an option to buy an 18-acre site across the street from the project.
GE Capital also acquired an option to purchase 90% of GPA's ordinary shares at a low price.
She said the pollution rights had not yet been transferred because the buyer acquired an option for the rights that could be exercised in the future.
He formed a company that acquired an option to purchase it, and used his radio program to promote the purchase of shares by Social Credit supporters.
Boston Scientific acquired an exclusive option to purchase Cameron Health in 2004, and made an undisclosed equity investment in the company at that time.
Fleet would also acquire an option on 7.5 million North Fork shares at $17.88, a price that is 10 percent higher than Friday's closing stock price.
In return for financial support, Saatchi acquired an exclusive option to buy Information Consulting that would have to be exercised by June next year.
Command recently acquired an option to buy KJQY from Westinghouse.