To go to school for something you would not be able to get a job in, and acquire debt that way, or to wait and travel first?
However, by 1998, the hospital had acquired great debt and had only 30 patients in attendance.
Note: A bug in the game allows the player to overpay the moneylender, acquiring "negative debt".
In short order, the brothers had acquired huge excess debt and lost their best income sources to repay it.
As part of this transaction, Freedom had acquired substantial debt.
As part of the June 1988 sale deal, the new privately held tire company acquired publicly held debt of $415 million.
A large number of conglomerates and leveraged-buyout companies, where management acquired debt to take a company private, want to sell stock to the public.
TVX acquired massive debt as well, and was forced to sell some of its under-performing medium-market stations to service the new debt.
"There's always been an industry for acquiring nonperforming debt," he said.
I think it would be interesting to know exactly who has been acquiring Greek debt recently.