Too conscientious to remain idle, the girl studied documents, to acquire further familiarity with the more distant assets of her family.
They acquire at least familiarity with the equipages of book and magazine publishing and usually their first real idea of what the business is about.
In addition to Hebrew and Italian, he acquired familiarity with Aramaic, French, and Spanish.
It was a question therefore of acquiring familiarity with the element, whereupon everything would take its course.
Besides exhaustive rabbinical knowledge, he acquired familiarity with the general science of his time, especially geometry.
The windy stench, bad enough before, was now fiendish; yet I had acquired enough familiarity by this time to bear it stoically.
It was some time before she acquired familiarity with "you oughtn't to do that".
He began in December 1787, and laboured incessantly to acquire familiarity with all the details.
It has acquired familiarity and bitterness.
Through his English courses, he acquired familiarity with modern literary forms, especially short lyric.