This scheme provides loans for businesses who have been unable to acquire funding from traditional sources.
The most difficult issue at that point was to acquire funding to implement their mission.
During the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s a concentrated effort was made to acquire the land and funding for the 18/36 runway extension.
He is also recognized for acquiring federal funding to complete many capital improvements throughout Minneapolis.
He was able to acquire funding from the Lilly Endowment for a fellowship in morality and mental health.
Though he might be able to acquire adequate funding to begin the T & S without the man, it seemed unlikely.
In 1993, member tribes of the Society banded together to acquire funding of their natural resource management offices through legislation.
University managements are accused of shifting the responsibility for acquiring funding onto academics.
West Tennessee needs jobs, and acquiring funding to open the Port will help.
It finances its work primarily by acquiring third-party funding for its projects.