FTTH will provide excellent operational experience and offer participating companies the opportunity to acquire valuable know-how for later transfer of FTTH technology to other areas of the world.
United States military assistance to Pakistan was already barred under a 1990 amendment proposed by former Senator Larry Pressler, Republican of North Dakota, in an attempt to stop Pakistan acquiring nuclear know-how.
If discoveries like this intensified the drive to acquire German know-how, it was reinforced even more strongly by the burgeoning rivalry between East and West.
This project is not focussed on solving short-term technological problems, but it is aimed to assist the four SMEs in acquiring technological know-how on a new antiseptic coating technology.
In a nearly successful end run around the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Iraq used a legal civilian nuclear energy program as a decoy to acquire know-how and materials for bomb making.
In acquiring know-how from abroad, protecting its infant industries, and using the levers of the state to hasten development, it is following a blueprint that most other developed countries used at some point-from Britain, to the United States, to Japan, to Taiwan and South Korea, to India.
And then there is the sensitive issue of where South Africa acquired the uranium, technology and know-how to build its bombs - information that could help international inspectors stem future proliferation.
She learned quickly and eagerly and soon acquired sufficient know-how to join Anne Mowbray in the small schoolroom.
Prometheus Rising 183 to know that they were once totally robotized (as most people still are) and are knowingly engaged in acquiring more neurosomatic know-how.
On December 1 2008 Steinberg announced that it had acquired the eLicenser technology and know-how from Syncrosoft.