Many businesses are dependent on loans for working capital, or to acquire premises or equipment.
This means you will not have to pay start-up costs or raise finances to acquire new premises.
During the year the company acquired premises and opened a new sales office in Manchester.
The company expanded rapidly acquiring additional premises along the canal and adjacent to the new railway.
Business expansion may mean that you need to acquire more raw materials, additional production machinery and bigger premises.
Smallman and Ingram expanded their business by acquiring new premises in 1892.
In October 2005 the school expanded by acquiring new, bigger premises for a boys school.
Suggestions had been made regularly from the mid-1950s that the club should acquire premises in the town for conversion into clubrooms and bar.
In 1900, the company acquired additional premises to expand the distillery at Grootzand 6 and 7.
My immediate thought was for the very basic question of acquiring premises, space to accommodate staff and the books we have purchased.