It would cost the Pickens group $4.25 billion to acquire the remainder of Newmont's shares.
It began running its services on the line from 7 December after acquiring the remainder of the lease.
The GWR acquired the remainder of the capital and owned the line from 1897.
The group is now acquiring the remainder of the shares for $4.1 million more.
Dart acquired the remainder of the company in 1997 after exercising a complicated buy-sell agreement with the Herman family.
In summer 2007, Udinese acquired the remainder of his contract.
The National Museum acquired the remainder of the folk costume collection in 1921.
(It acquired the remainder of the field gradually over the next 15 years).
Synergy Group subsequently acquired the remainder of Avianca in 2005.
Banco Holandés acquired the remainder of the shares in 1970.