The first was the Bank of Behar (est. 1911), which SBI acquired in 1969, together with its 28 branches.
For the first time in Russia, the movie was accompanied by the original sound (movie theaters would acquire the film together with the phonograph recording of music).
But now a parking space sells for $122,000, and virtually the only way to purchase one is to acquire it together with a house on Beacon Hill.
Graduates of this course will acquire such expertise, together with the capacity to communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries.
He was president of the Federal Telegraph Company from 1924 to 1931, when ITT acquired the company together with the Mackay corporations.
Development - A range of specialist development powers give them the ability to acquire, manage and sell land and property, together with powers to develop, invest and provide business support.
Charlie Woebcken acquired Studio Babelsberg together with his business associate Christoph Fisser in July 2004 from the French media group Vivendi.
The company acquired the site of the old market, together with the adjoining houses in Hungerford street, and a few in the Strand.
Among the recent preventive measures acquired, together with the idea of pest management and integrated pest management, the treatment with copper-based pesticides has also been cited.
In 2002, it acquired Banco Fiat, together with all of Fiat's auto financing activities.