He was also an acquisitions specialist, which Carl knew only too well.
By the market's account the two merger and acquisition specialists were worth at least $127.5 million, the value lost that day in the stock.
Can a mergers and acquisitions specialist make a tender offer to a law professor?
In June 2009, it added strategic acquisition specialists with Spectrum Capital Partners.
Colo is a financial acquisition specialist.
They were mergers and acquisitions specialists.
As the number of corporate failures climbs, an army of former mergers and acquisitions specialists on Wall Street are turning to bankruptcy investing.
Merchant banking requires mergers and acquisitions specialists, adept at the mechanics of deal making, to become expert in evaluating credit risks, a somewhat different skill.
THESE are heady times for mergers and acquisitions specialists with clients in the railroad industry.
His father is a vice president and acquisition specialist at Citibusiness, a business management division of Citibank in New York.