It has become arguably the most sought-after 13 acres of commercial property in the world.
Massie's family is rich, as her parents own a huge estate and 4.6 acres of property.
Included in the sale were 2,200 acres of property, a 500-room hotel, a water park, a television studio and a 2,000-seat church.
It has 41 buildings spread over 200 acres of property.
Last month, the city bought 20 acres of property on the north side of the creek.
Remember the nine acres of property we had purchased just prior to her accident?
The group offered $1.86 million for the 26,000 square-foot castle and its 10 acres of property.
In all, there would be about 1,000 acres of commercial and industrial property.
How in the hell can you watch 21 acres of industrial property?
We went to the government to mark 430 acres of prime property.