Another factor was thought to be disillusionment with the country's political leaders, with the internal rivalry between the two wings of Solidarity, as represented by Walesa and Mazowiecki, and with the acrimonious tone of a campaign which became increasingly personalized.
The increasingly acrimonious tone of the exchanges between Camden and state officials hinted at hard feelings that have accumulated over the years as the city has watched its tax base and manufacturing-based economy erode.
And though the committee cannot alter the New York program, Mr. Fleischer predicted that the coming health care debates could take on a newly acrimonious tone and cause problems for the Clinton Administration's attempts to change Medicare.
The new acrimonious tone against homosexuality espoused by politicians and religious leaders has percolated across all strata of African society including the media.
That exchange set the acrimonious tone for what followed.
The acrimonious tone of the debate, played out in town meetings in North Castle and Harrison, whose sewer system Quarry Heights residents would have joined, has left harsh feelings in its wake.
The Bush Administration has moved swiftly to exploit the dispute between big and small businesses, which at times has taken on a highly acrimonious tone.
The acrimonious tone of the negotiations may have hurt the likelihood of an early settlement.
Setting an acrimonious tone as the election year opens, Republican leaders put President Clinton on notice today that they were ready to fight him on virtually every major issue on his agenda, from crime to health care to welfare.
"Captain, before we start, I would like to register my regrets at the acrimonious tone that these negotiations have taken."