It is a fast swimmer, keen bow-rider and prone to acrobatic aerial displays.
It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which they will spin longitudinally along their axis as they leap through the air.
The performance was much like all acrobatic displays; but it must be confessed that the Japanese are the first equilibrists in the world.
Other people, surprised at his unexpected acrobatic display, were staring at him.
Death at a decent distance, an acrobatic display, a novelty.
Jackie Chan was recognised for his acrobatic displays and his stunt team.
Others were airy, among them an acrobatic display of leaps for people attempting to catch flying fish.
Nevertheless, there are times when the drama gets lost and "The Particle Zoo" is only an acrobatic display.
The performance was much like all acrobatic displays.
Also acrobatic displays of flying were performed.